Guarantees of Origin: We are offering a variety of different labels
At Bischoff & Ditze energy we can offer you a broad range of Guarantees of Origin (GoOs) label. Our selection of green energy standards includes (but is in no way limited to): RenewablePLUS, GO NEW100, EKOenergy, Green-e/LEED, the I-REC Standard, ok-power, almost all TÜV-Süd EE standards (EE01, EE02 & EE+) and GoOs in general (with or without added features).

RenewablePLUS – a reliable choice with added value
RenewablePLUS is one of the best established labels around. In addition to its reliability, RenewablePLUS features a guaranteed investment in either completely new facilities, expansion of existing facilities and/or environmental measures related to renewable energy production.
RenewablePLUS is also sustainable – by supporting climate protection projects with positive ecological and social effects in accordance with the EcoPLUS quality label, the CO₂ emissions emitted from electricity generation (construction and operation) are saved elsewhere.
Upon request we can also modify and/or expand RenewablePLUS, for example to meet the EKOenergy/Green-e/LEED – standards. RenewablePLUS is certified and audited by the TÜV Rheinland GmbH, a globally renowned independent auditor.
For more information, click here.
GO NEW100 – new support for new renewables
Our label for GoO-standards GO NEW100 is intended to promote new production facilities for renewable energy sources. Therefore, 100% of the GoOs used in this standard come from new facilities. In using this label you help ensure that the expanding reservoir of renewable energy production facilities is actually incorporated into the energy supply system and its development. GO NEW100 is also sustainable – by supporting climate protection projects with positive ecological and social effects in accordance with the EcoPLUS quality label, the CO₂ emissions emitted from electricity generation (construction and operation) are saved elsewhere. Upon request we can also modify and/or expand GO NEW100, for example to meet the EKOenergy/Green-e/LEED – standards. GO NEW100 is certified and audited by the TÜV Rheinland GmbH, a globally renowned independent auditor.
For more information, click here.
Energy Attribute Certificates
We can offer a worldwide array of Energy Attribute Certificates, for example US-RECs for various standards. For more information about Energy Attribute Certificates, please click here. If you have any questions about our worldwide portfolio, do not hesitate to contact us. |
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International REC Standard (I-REC) – worldwide system for GoOs from renewables
If you have customers with an international business (or are a transnational business yourself), they may want to account for the origin of the energy they use and prove origin from renewable sources in several different countries. By using the International REC Standard (I-REC Standard) for Guarantees of Origin (GoOs), we can help you meet this challenge and obtain the appropriate GoOs for you, which can be used worldwide. The I-REC Standard for GoOs is already applicable and can be used – for your business or for your customers – in several countries around the globe.
Currently (in June 2016), facilities can be registered and GoOs can be issued & cancelled in accordance with local provisions in (among others) Chile, China, Honduras India, Mexico, Taiwan, Turkey, Uganda and Vietnam. Many other countries like: Brazil, Israel, Japan, Russia, Singapore and South-Africa are currently in talks with the I-REC Standard’s board.
For a more in-depth look at the I-REC-Standard, please click here.
Guarantees of Origin
Do you need to win a tender? Do your customers have additional requirements? Do you have particular request that your GoOs have to meet, like a certain origin, technology, location or age of the plants? Or maybe just need GoOs without any extra features? No problem! We will help you find the best solution for you.
EKOenergy is an eco label for electricity by an international network of environmental organisations. It stands for 100% green/renewable energy. EKOenergy also cooperates with the US American Green-e standard and is compatible and recommended by the US LEED standard. Additionally, climate protection and river restoration projects are financed through a funds-based-model.
Currently, the EKOenergy-label accepts the following European renewable energy sources – with some additional requirements for some of these: wind power, solar power, hydro power, ocean energy (tidal power, wave power, etc.), geothermal energy, bio-energy (solid, liquid and gaseous), landfill gas and sewage gas.
Per MWh (Mega-Watt-hour) sold an amount of at least 0,10 € is paid into the EKOenergy climate fund. For hydro power, an additional amount of 0,10 € per MWh is paid into the environmental fond for river restoration. The EKOenergy label and network are financed by a fee of 0,08 € per MWh sold.
Moreover and additionally, EKOenergy is a network of European environmental organisations that promote and push for developing and establishing renewable energy and for a sustainable, green and climate-friendly energy infrastructure. The EKOenergy network is comprised of a management board, an administration and of supporting advisory groups and workgroups.
Bischoff & Ditze Energy is an accredited vendor of GoOs at EKOenergy as well as service provider for green/eco energy. Bischoff & Ditze Energy is also a member of EKOenergy’s adivisory group.
TÜV-Süd: EE / EE01 / EE+
The TÜV Süd GmbH is an auditor from Germany that has decided to offer, develop, establish and certify its own labels and standards for GoOs from renewable energy sources. The EE labels of TÜV Süd offer a variety of configurations, which include incentives for building new renewable power plants, this can be achieved through quotas or through a funds based model.
Independent audit
We can have your GoOs be audited by an independent institution, the TÜV Rheinland GmbH. We also offer handling the whole process for you. So that the only thing that is left for you to do is to tell us your requirements and we will take care of the audition process with TÜV Rheinland.
For more information, you can contact us. Malte Mertens and
Julia Pösl will do their best to inform you and help you reach your goals, with our products.
A global system for Guarantees of Origin based on renewable energy
You have international customers who want to account for electricity from renewable sources in different countries? Bischoff & Ditze Energy can offer worldwide clearance of Guaranties of Origin (GoOs) – according to the I-REC standard for origin of electricity from renewable energy sources..
The standard that has been the used for years – in Germany, the European Union, the US and in Australia and which has been utilized by companies and utilities – has now received its own reliable worldwide implementation. By use of the International Standard REC (I-REC Standard) GoOs for power derived from electricity from renewable energy sources may be issued and cancelled for companies in many countries around the world. Among other things, this can be very practical for companies who, for example, do not have their offices only in Europe, but also in other parts of the world – like Turkey, Mexico, China or Taiwan. As of now, the I-REC system has been established in many countries as a single centralized registry, ready to be utilized by enterprise customers on a global scale.